Divorce Drama: Enlighten me!

I was surfing the internet when I saw a post of a popular figure perhaps an entertainer (a lady) whose ex-husband is pushing for more child support money. Take to mind that this man is not handicapped in-fact he's working and earning his own money.
Divorce Drama: Enlighten me!
The court has helped in getting both exes to come to terms concerning custody of the children, if you want custody you better get your gold-digging ass to work and stop expecting your ex to pay you for it.
Divorce Drama: Enlighten me!

Both men and women - spousal support, child support, alimony... these things are BS!
Nobody should be compelled to hang on to his or her ex(es) in any way in the name of spousal support, child support, alimony, that it's the law doesn't mean it's right.
Divorce Drama: Enlighten me!

If you want custody be ready to provide for them when they are with you...

Scrap spousal support, child support, alimony... these things are BS!
Turning your men and women to divorce vultures!
Divorce Drama: Enlighten me!

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