ISIS Behind Gruesome Attack That Killed Newborns At Afghanistan Hospital’s Maternity Ward - U.S Says

The U.S. representative Zalmay Khalilzad in Afghanistan is blaming the Islamic State for the coldblooded attack on an Afghanistan hospital’s maternity ward Tuesday though the group are yet to take responsibility.

Reports is that the Kabul hospital attack which occurred at 10 a.m was perpetrated by three gunmen disguised as police shooting sporadically at women - many of whom were holding babies in their arms killing as many as 24 - new mothers and two newborns.

The militants subsequently engaged the police in an hours-long shootout as they arrive to contain the situation and minimize casualties.
“The hospital was full of patients and doctors, there was total panic inside,” a witness noted.
Photos from inside the scene showed chilling images, including one of a dead mother still holding her baby, who survived.

The hospital which is located in a mostly Shiite neighborhood, Dashti Barchi in Kabul - Afghanistan’s capital, is supported by international aid group Doctors Without Borders.

Another lady gave birth as the shooting was taking place - thankfully both doing well.
“Who does this?  The most innocent of innocents, a baby! Why? Cruelty has no followers from humanity.” - Deborah Lyons, the head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, reportedly tweeted.
"The unconscionable war crimes in Afghanistan today, targeting a maternity hospital and a funeral, must awaken the world to the horrors civilians continue to face," Amnesty International tweeted.
The Taliban have denied any involvement in the killings.

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